Bollywood Thriller Movies Literally Right Before Aaron (2017)


Gay Short Films Everyone Should See“I’m not sure that these are the greatest LGBT films ever,” says Jon Gann. I like them because they are about the entire community. In some of the stories, the LGBT portion is very small, but the LGBT component is really critical to how the story unfolds.”Illustration by Christopher Cunetto. Since 2. 00. 9, just prior to the Oscars, we’ve occasionally put together lists of “2.

Gay Films Everyone Should See.” When it came time for this year’s list, we thought we’d give feature films a break and turn our attention to an oft- neglected, but much beloved category — the short. And who better to curate our mini- festival for us than Gann, executive director of DC Shorts, which, every fall, stages a massive, citywide shorts festival.

Gann (see profile, page 2. LGBT nuggets for us to review, and while, as with any collection of shorts, the quality varies considerably, the collection as a whole captures the entire gamut of the LGBT experience. The beauty of a short film — most of which range from 2 to 2. It takes a special gift to craft a cogent narrative, to capture a powerful emotion, to convey an idea in a film whose average length is 9 minutes. So, when a filmmaker gets it right — such as Carlos Molina with the unnerving thriller Red or Lance Larson with the emotionally raw Bloom or Arnaud Lalanne with the blissful La Princesse — you have to admire the craftsmanship at work.

Yes, short films are sometimes easy to figure out — when the genre is specifically LGBT, it can be hard to truly surprise your viewer — but look beyond that and, in the fleeting moments you spend with each film, absorb what the filmmaker is trying to impart. A link and instructions on how to stream or download the shorts are available after this feature. Read our thoughts on each, then follow the link at the bottom of this page to enjoy all 2. DC Shorts. No matter how you digest these shorts — in bitesize nuggets, or one long session, on i. Pad, computer, or even via Chromecast — it’s an experience worth having.

With 2. 0 films from across the gay spectrum, it’s three hours of LGBT cinema that won’t leave you feeling shortchanged. GAYSIAN1. 0 min., Canada, 2. WHAT’S IT LIKE to be the subject of a fetish?

That’s the question posed — and humorously explored — in Austin Wong’s brisk, frisky comedy. Geoff (Adamo Ruggerio) prefers men of a bearish nature, and Steve (Ben Lewis) freely admits he’s a “sexual racist” who “only sleeps with White, middle- class, Anglo- Saxon guys.” While their sexual appetites are well- defined, Aaron (Richard Lee) is undergoing a bit more of a crisis.

Too discriminating, he rejects anyone with a hint of “rice queen.” He finally lucks into Matt (Brett Donahue), a handsome man with an increasingly apparent Asian fetish. The ensuing makeover montage — as Matt molds Aaron into his ideal (read: sterotypical) Asian — is amusing, but the line is drawn when Matt chastises him for using a fork to eat Chinese food. Wong covers an impressive amount of ground in ten minutes, and the light script and lithe performances add up to a sweet little film with a jubilant ending as Aaron comes to accept himself for who he is. JE TAIME9: 4. 5 min., Finland, 2. IF THE INTENTION of this film, directed by Joel Rahkonen and Sonia Stenius, is to make us laugh, it thoroughly succeeds — even if the overall quality will leave cinephiles wanting. A mini- musical, it features a rather glum young man who eschews moving to London with his austere, demanding girlfriend and declares his love for . If you can get past the in- your- face absurdity of it all, not to mention the strained singing and lyrics that won’t trouble Broadway (or even off- Broadway), and make it to the end credits, which features the entire cast engaging in choreography that would make a typical high school musical look like the Bolshoi, and do so without laughing, then you’re either dead or just dead inside.

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Bollywood Thriller Movies Literally Right Before Aaron (2017)

Why should you see this one? Because it’s so delightfully batshit — and utterly endearing as a result. LA PRINCESSE L’AMOUR D’AMOUR9: 3. France, 2. 01. 3IF EVER THERE’S an example of the emotional range that can be packed into such a short length of film, this is it. In Arnaud Lalanne’s breathtaking little movie, a teacher (Laetitia Andreiu, giving a performance that can only be described as beguiling) reads a fairy tale to her class about a princess looking for love. Download Movie How To Be A Latin Lover (2017) Dvd. This isn’t your typical Disney fare, however, with the teacher delivering an electrifying monologue that subverts the traditional happily ever after into a tale of bisexuality, polyamorous relationships and the core concept of “free love.” Lalanne plays it smart by cutting to the expressions of the young children as they listen — confused, bewildered, dumbfounded, and in at least one case, a telling look of disgust for a teacher who, moments before, had them rolling in childish giggles. It’s a captivating film with a message that is not as as simple as it initially seems.

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Just like love itself. RED2. 0 min., Venezuela, 2.

IT’S A RARE short film that can create a sense of unnerving ambiguity, raw tension and utter dread, and do it with nary a word of spoken dialogue. The less said about Red, the better actually. But Carlos Molina’s gripping tale of a teenager (the cocksure yet vulnerable Noel Duarte) who decides to meet the man he’s been flirting with online puts you on edge almost from the start and then slowly pulls the chair out from under you. It’s insidious, dark, cold — Molina’s film captures the dubious nature of elder men tempting youthful boys into sex. Of the twenty films in this series, this is the one you’ll keep rewatching.

It doesn’t just haunt you; it dredges up your worst nightmares. SLOW1. 3 min., USA, 2. Download The New Columbus (2017) Movie. DARIUS CLARK MONROE’S single- set, two- character drama is aptly titled.

Its pace is tempered, deliberate, moving the narrative with concise precision — a necessity, given its 1. It centers on a blind date between two men — one literally blind, played with a stoic gentleness by Carlton Byrd, who co- wrote the screenplay with Monroe. The visitor, Harvey Gardner Moore, is seductive — shedding his clothes shortly after arriving — and ominous. Like the dinner Byrd is preparing, the tension comes to the boil in a shocking escalation — neither the characters nor the viewer seem sure of where the narrative is headed — but Monroe keeps tight control, easing it down into a skillfully handled, plausible conclusion. It’s quite the bravura turn. THE COMMITMENT2. 0 min., USA, 2. ALBERT CHAN’S DEBUT short ticks many boxes for its subject matter: a gay, interracial couple, dealing with adoption and the stress it could place on their marriage.

Unfortunately, it’s in the execution where Chan, who wrote, directed and stars in the piece as one half of couple Robert and Ethan, loses control. The Commitment hits every clich.

It’s high quality, and Chan’s direction is certainly competent, but neither he nor his co- star can make much of the weak script, riddled with obvious, clunky dialogue and a twist shoehorned in at the end with zero attempt at subtlety. It’d be unfair to write off The Commitment, as it does touch upon several important issues — and its production values alone shine above most other shorts. If only Chan had been better able to express everything he (and his characters) wanted to say. THE BINDING OF ISHMAEL7: 3.

Singapore, 2. 01. THIS FICTIONAL ACCOUNT of a devout Muslim man who, along with his son, travels to see his estranged gay son to set things right, is downright bone- chilling. The Binding of Ishmael is another film in which the less said, the better, but director Taofik Kolade masterfully evokes an atmosphere of quiet resolve. Small things happen that serve as foreshadowing devices — the father suddenly gets sick, something is said that quietly unnerves. Mostly, however, the film’s dusty, amber calm belies the escalation — and it’s a brutally quick escalation — to follow. SPIRAL TRANSITION6 min., USA, 2.

DOCUMENTARY SHORTS can be hit or miss.