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Format war - Wikipedia. A format war describes competition between mutually incompatible proprietary formats that compete for the same market, typically for data storage devices and recording formats for electronic media. It is often characterized by political and financial influence on content publishers by the developers of the technologies.

Developing companies may be characterized as engaging in a format war if they actively oppose or avoid interoperable open industry technical standards in favor of their own. A format war emergence can be explained because each vendor is trying to exploit cross- side network effects in a two- sided market. There is also a social force to stop a format war: when one of them wins as de facto standard, it solves a coordination problem. News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peer-to-peer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community.

During the initial period of railroad building, standard gauge was adopted in most of the northeastern United States, while the wider gauge, later called . In 1. 88. 6, the southern railroads agreed to coordinate changing gauge on all their tracks. By June 1. 88. 6, all major railroads in North America were using approximately the same gauge. Direct current vs. The systems initially ran on direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) with low voltage DC being used for interior lighting and high voltage DC and AC running very bright exterior arc lighting. Thomas Edison's Edison Electric Light Company tried to protect its patent controlled DC market by playing on the public's fears of the dangers of high voltage AC, portraying their main AC competitor, George Westinghouse's Westinghouse Electric Company, as purveyors of an unsafe system, a back and forth financial and propaganda competition that came to be known as the War of Currents.

  1. The classic US stereotype of attempted Iranian ideological indoctrination via chants of “Death to America” and such has been old hat for quite some time.
  2. President Trump held a rally on Tuesday night in Phoenix, whipping the crowd into a frenzy and denouncing the media between chants of “lock her up.” Trump even.

The principal players were Polyphon, Symphonion (in Europe) and Regina (in the United States). Each manufacturer used its own unique set of disc sizes (which varied depending on the exact model purchased).

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Download Streaming Divx Movies The Current War (2017)

This assured that once the purchaser had bought his music box, he had to buy the music discs from the same manufacturer. Player Pianos: In stark contrast to almost every other entertainment medium of the 2. Buffalo Convention held in Buffalo, New York in 1.

The agreed- upon format was a roll 1. This allowed any roll of music to be played in any player piano, regardless of who manufactured it. As the music played, the paper winds onto the lower roll from the upper roll, which means any text or song lyrics printed on the rolls is read from the bottom to the top. Early recording media formats: cylinder records versus disc records. In 1. 87. 7 Thomas Edison invented sound recording and reproduction using tinfoil wrapped around a pre- grooved cylinder, and in 1. In the 1. 89. 0s Emile Berliner began marketing disc records and players. By the late 1. 89.

Cylinders were more expensive to manufacture and the wax was fragile, but most cylinder players could make recordings. Discs saved space and were cheaper and sturdier, but due to the constant angular velocity (CAV) of their rotation, the sound quality varied noticeably from the groove near the outer edge to the inner portion nearest the center; and disc record players could not make recordings. Whole Atomic Blonde (2017) Movie Online on this page. Gramophone record formats: lateral versus vertical . When Edison introduced his . Machines designed to play lateral- cut discs could not play vertical- cut ones and vice versa. In 1. 92. 9 Thomas Edison quit the record industry, ceasing all production of both discs and cylinders.

There was no standard speed for all disc records until 7. Some Berliner discs played at about 6. Some of Path. Diamond Discs were 8. Those makers aside, speeds in the mid- 7. In addition, there were several more minor . In 1. 93. 6, the BBC Television Service commenced television broadcasting from Alexandra Palace in North London.

They began by using two different television standards broadcasting on alternate weeks. The 2. 40- line Baird sequential system was broadcast using a mechanically scanned apparatus. In the intervening weeks, EMI- Marconi broadcast in 4. Early sets had to support both systems, adding to their complexity.

It was the BBC's intention to run the two systems side by side for a six- month trial to determine which would be finally adopted. The BBC quickly discovered that the fully electronic EMI system had a superior picture quality and less flicker, and the camera equipment was much more mobile and transportable (Baird's intermediate- film cameras had to be bolted to the studio floor as they required a water supply and drainage). The trial concluded after only three months after Baird's studios lost most of their equipment in a fire. Vinyl records: Columbia Records' Long Play (LP) 3. Ended because each format found a separate marketing niche, and record players were designed to play both types. The National Television System Committee NTSC was formed to settle the existing format incompatibility between the original 4.

RCA system and systems designed by the Du. Mont Television Network and Philco.

In March 1. 94. 1 the committee issued its plan for what is now known as NTSC, which has been the standard for television signals in the United States and most countries influenced by the U. S. There were competitive format options offered by the Columbia Broadcasting System that were not downwardly compatible with the existing NTSC format.

In the early 1. 95. Six volt systems were still popular since they were commonplace prior to the decade. However, 1. 2 volt systems became the de facto standard.

Portable audio formats: 8- track and four- track cartridges vs. Compact Cassette, and the lesser known and largely forgotten Deutsche Cassette (introduced by Grundig). While rather successful into the mid- to- late 1. Similarly the smaller formats of microcassette, developed by Olympus, and minicassette, developed by Sony, were manufactured for applications requiring lower audio fidelity such as dictation and telephone answering machines. FM radio stereo broadcast formats: The Crosby system and the GE/Zenith system.

The Crosby system was technically superior, especially in transmitting clear stereo signals, due to its use of an FM subcarrier for stereo sound rather than the AM subcarrier employed by GE/Zenith. Many radios built in this period allowed the user to select Crosby or GE/Zenith listening modes. However the Crosby system was incompatible with the more lucrative SCA services such as in- store broadcasting and background music. FM station owners successfully lobbied the FCC to adopt the GE/Zenith system in 1.

SCA- compatible. Various Quadraphonic encoding methods: CD- 4, SQ, QS- Matrix, and others. The expense (and speaker placement troubles) of quadraphonic, coupled with the competing formats requiring various demodulators and decoders, led to an early demise of quadraphonic, though 8- track tape experienced a temporary boost from the introduction of the Q8 form of 8- track cartridge. Quadraphonic sound returned in the 1. JVCVHS vs. Sony Betamax vs. Philips Video 2. 00. The competition started in 1.

VHS controlled 7. North American market. VHS's main advantage was its longer recording time. From the consumer perspective, VHS blank media held more hours and therefore was less expensive.

The first small format video recording devices were open reel- to- reel 1/2. These never caught on in the consumer market but did find their way into educational television and were the mainstays of early public- access television stations. The uniformity of the EIAJ- 1 format, was the result of a developmental format war between Sony and Panasonic, each of whom were aiming at this marketplace. The existence of the Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ) was the Japanese electronics industry's answer to settle some potential format wars. Capacitance Electronic Disc (CED) vs.

Laser. Disc (LD) vs. VHD (Video High- Density), non- recordable video disc formats.