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Ares - Wikipedia. Ares. God of war. Abode. Mount Olympus, Thrace, Macedonia, Thebes, Sparta & Mani. Symbols. Sword, spear, shield, helmet, chariot, flaming torch, dog, boar, vulture. Personal Information. Consort. Aphrodite and various others. Children. Erotes (Eros and Anteros), Phobos, Deimos, Phlegyas, Harmonia, Enyalios, Thrax, Oenomaus, Amazons and Adrestia.

Download The Untamed (2017) Online

Parents. Zeus and Hera. Siblings. Aeacus, Angelos, Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Eileithyia, Enyo, Eris, Ersa, Hebe, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus, Heracles, Hermes, Minos, Pandia, Persephone, Perseus, Rhadamanthus, the Graces, the Horae, the Litae, the Muses, the Moirai. Roman equivalent. Mars. Ares (; Greek: . He is one of the Twelve Olympians, and the son of Zeus and Hera. During the Hellenization of Latin literature, the myths of Ares were reinterpreted by Roman writers under the name of Mars. Greek writers under Roman rule also recorded cult practices and beliefs pertaining to Mars under the name of Ares.

Thus in the classical tradition of later Western art and literature, the mythology of the two figures becomes virtually indistinguishable. The etymology of the name Ares is traditionally connected with the Greek word .

Beekes has suggested a Pre- Greek origin of the name. In the Iliad, the word ares is used as a common noun synonymous with . Statue of Ares, Scopas's influence. Brooklyn Museum Archives, Goodyear Archival Collection. Ares was one of the Twelve Olympians in the archaic tradition represented by the Iliad and Odyssey. Zeus expresses a recurring Greek revulsion toward the god when Ares returns wounded and complaining from the battlefield at Troy: Then looking at him darkly Zeus who gathers the clouds spoke to him.

An ancient statue, representing the god in chains, suggests that the martial spirit and victory were to be kept in the city of Sparta. That the Spartans admired him is indicative of the cultural divisions that existed between themselves and other Greeks, especially the Athenians (see Pelopponesian War). Ares in the Arabian Peninsula. It is not known if he was worshipped in the form of an Arabian god (or which one) or if he was worshipped in his Greek form. Essentially it was a Roman temple to the Augustan Mars Ultor. Paul the Apostle later preached about Christianity there.

Its connection with Ares, perhaps based on a false etymology, is etiological myth. In at least one tradition, Enyalius, rather than another name for Ares, was his son by Enyo. Ares's sister Hebe (. To propitiate Ares, Cadmus took as a bride Harmonia, a daughter of Ares's union with Aphrodite. In this way, Cadmus harmonized all strife and founded the city of Thebes. While Eros's and Anteros's godly stations favored their mother, Adrestia preferred to emulate her father, often accompanying him to war.

For this deed, Poseidon summoned Ares to appear before the tribunal of the Olympic gods, which was held upon a hill in Athens. Ares was acquitted. This event is supposed to have given rise to the name Areopagus (or Hill of Ares), which afterward became famous as the site of a court of justice.

Heracles slaughtered this abominable monstrosity, engendering the wrath of Ares, whom the hero wounded in conflict. Eros (part of the Erotes)6. Anteros (part of the Erotes)7. Himeros (part of the Erotes)8. Pothos (part of the Erotes)2. Meleager (possibly)5. Sithon (possibly)6.

Astyoche, daughter of Actor. Ascalaphus. 2. Parthenopaeus (possibly)8. Caldene, daughter of Pisidus. Solymus (possibly)9. Calliope (Muse)1. Mygdon. 2. Edonus (possibly)3.

Biston (possibly)4. Odomantus (possibly)1. Callirrhoe, daughter of Nestus. Biston (possibly)2. Odomantus (possibly)3.

Edonus (possibly)1. Diomedes of Thrace.

Dotis / Chryse. 1. Erinys of Telphusa (unnamed)1. Dragon of Thebes (slain by Cadmus)1. The Amazons. 20. Leodoce (?). Penthesilea. 22. Parnassa / Aegina. Sinope (possibly). Parrhasius. 24. Protogeneia.

Pyrene / Pelopia. Sete, sister of Rhesus. Bithys, eponym of the Bithyae, a Thracian tribe. Sterope (Pleiad) / Harpinna, daughter of Asopus / Eurythoe the Danaid. Persephone (wooed her unsuccessfully)2. Tanagra, daughter of Asopus.

Tereine, daughter of Strymon. Thrassa (mother of Polyphonte)3. Melanippus. 33. Alcon of Thrace. Chalyps, eponym of the Chalybes. Cheimarrhoos, possible father of Triptolemus by Polyhymnia. Lycus of Libya. Nisos (possibly)8.

Portheus (Porthaon)9. Tereus. Hymns to Ares.

Evelyn- White) (Greek epic 7th to 4th centuries BC)! Shed down a kindly ray from above upon my life, and strength of war, that I may be able to drive away bitter cowardice from my head and crush down the deceitful impulses of my soul. Restrain also the keen fury of my heart which provokes me to tread the ways of blood- curdling strife. Rather, O blessed one, give you me boldness to abide within the harmless laws of peace, avoiding strife and hatred and the violent fiends of death. Romance Films Despicable Me 3 (2017).

Taylor) (Greek hymns 3rd century BC to 2nd century AD). Magnanimous, unconquered, boisterous Ares, in darts rejoicing, and in bloody wars; fierce and untamed, whose mighty power can make the strongest walls from their foundations shake: mortal- destroying king, defiled with gore, pleased with war’s dreadful and tumultuous roar. Thee human blood, and swords, and spears delight, and the dire ruin of mad savage fight. Stay furious contests, and avenging strife, whose works with woe embitter human life; to lovely Kyrpis . BC, with 1. 7th- century restorations by Bernini. Ares and Aphrodite. He reported the incident to Hephaestus.

Contriving to catch the illicit couple in the act, Hephaestus fashioned a finely- knitted and nearly invisible net with which to snare them. At the appropriate time, this net was sprung, and trapped Ares and Aphrodite locked in very private embrace.

For the sake of modesty, the goddesses demurred, but the male gods went to witness the sight. Some commented on the beauty of Aphrodite, others remarked that they would eagerly trade places with Ares, but all who were present mocked the two. Once the couple was released, the embarrassed Ares returned to his homeland, Thrace, and Aphrodite went to Paphos. The furious Ares turned the sleepy Alectryon into a rooster which now always announces the arrival of the sun in the morning. Ares and the giants. In Nonnus's Dionysiaca. Scholars have not concluded whether the nameless Ekhidnades (.

During the war, Diomedes fought with Hector and saw Ares fighting on the Trojans' side. Diomedes called for his soldiers to fall back slowly (V. Athene or Athena, Ares's sister, saw his interference and asked Zeus, his father, for permission to drive Ares away from the battlefield, which Zeus granted (V. Hera and Athena encouraged Diomedes to attack Ares (V. Diomedes thrust with his spear at Ares, with Athena driving it home, and Ares's cries made Achaeans and Trojans alike tremble (V. Ares fled to Mt. Olympus, forcing the Trojans to fall back. When Hera mentioned to Zeus that Ares's son, Ascalaphus, was killed, Ares overheard and wanted to join the fight on the side of the Achaeans, disregarding Zeus's order that no Olympic god should enter the battle, but Athena stopped him (XV.

Later, when Zeus allowed the gods to fight in the war again (XX. Ares was the first to act, attacking Athena to avenge himself for his previous injury. Athena overpowered him by striking Ares with a boulder (XXI. Renaissance. In literary works of these eras, Ares is replaced by the Roman Mars, a romantic emblem of manly valor rather than the cruel and blood- thirsty god of Greek mythology. In popular culture. This was an extension of NASA's practice of using Roman and Greek names for their rockets and programs: Saturn for manned rockets, Mercury for a satellite program, and the Apollo program, rather than any association with the nature of the war god. See also. 3. 61; for Ares/Mars and Thrace, see Ovid, Ars Amatoria, book ii.

Herodotus, iv. I know of no other Greeks who are accustomed to sacrifice puppies except the people of Colophon; these too sacrifice a puppy, a black bitch, to the Wayside Goddess.