Funny Comedian Videos Harmonium (2017)


Jeff Lynne Song Database - Electric Light Orchestra. The basic track for Roll Over Beethoven was recorded at AIR Studios in the UK on September 8, 1. But the ELO give it probably the best new treatment since The Beatles.

It opens with the dots from 'Fifth Symphony', a groovy chart the Old Master scored a while back. Then Jeff Lynne and & Co. A great production, and the strings are suitably outrageous as they de- tune in such a fashion as would send Stradivarius mental. Probably No. 1 - and for three weeks at least. Unlike Berry, ELO pay a tribute to Ludwig Van as they scout beyond the sonic zone. Now Roy Wood has dropped out, Jeff Lynne is left to pursue his music fantasies as he mixes his Jerry Lee- like delivery (a la California Man) with short classical interludes, some of which turn me on while others tend to detract from the continuity.

One good thing about it, the mean rhythm section doesn't quit. Jeff Lynne and Roy Wood's musical minds always seem to have run so closely together, it was hard to work out who had the most influence over the arrangements of this band. Certainly now they're in Lynne's hands alone, the result reeks of ELO's past efforts.

Starts with Beethoven's Firth . They seem to be so attuned to commerciality I can't see how this can fail. The weird and wonderful half- classical- half- pop group have turned Chuck Berry's song into a top ten smash hit in Britain. Roll Over Beethoven originally sold a million for the big daddy of rock seventeen years ago. Then The Beatles recorded it on their hit album, With The Beatles, in 1. Now Beethoven has rolled up again. The boys - whose stuff is mostly heavy - played Roll Over Beethoven as a bit of light relief on their recent tour of colleges and halls and found it 'got 'em all at it' as founder member Jeff Lynne puts it.

So they decided to release the number as a pop single. Ludwig Van, chuckle at Berry and otherwise hoot at the entire hackneyed and pompous notion of 'returning to one's roots.' Yuk, yuk. When you listen to this one you will appreciate what a good job Jeff Lynne did with the editing.

And we thought maybe they were forgetting about us, which they were, and we needed some publicity like that to plug the album a bit. The new album's coming out this month (March). And it was so popular on stage that we thought it was the best number to release off the album, because we hadn't anything specifically recorded for a single. I think it works well. We have an original sound.

Its hard to tell really how well it works, because we're only learning ourselves. This is the version that the band play on stage, about eight minutes long, three of which were edited into the single. You know it of course: interlacing Beethoven's fifth riff (try saying that fast) with Chuck's classic. It's an outrageous arrangement, really, but on this longer version, the strings get a chance to get into some truly inspired rocking with Tandy throwing out the occasional frenetic burst of boogie piano. Morgan (late 1. 97. The Robert W. Morgan Special of the Week radio show). Roll Over Beethoven, the neo- classical treatment of the rock classic that did more than anything else to present ELO and their ideals to the mass public, and Rockaria!, the new British single, are undeniably influenced by a desire to instil some degree of operatic feel into the music.

Thursday July 20, 2017 7:30 pm. Kirtan with Miriabai.

On the other hand however, it is argued that they parody the classical tag as much as they project it. Oh, it's like it's so obvious.

Blue Sky: The Jeff Lynne Story 2. BBC 2 Radio show). With blistering guitar, deft string arrangements and tongue- in- cheek quotes from Beethoven's Fifth, it perfectly fitted ELO's prog- pop profile. Dvd Movie Going In Style (2017). I just love the melodies of the old composers,' reasoned Jeff Lynne.

Already a popular encore number, it's the highlight on the band's second album, the overblown and otherwise tedious ELO II, and was earmarked for 4. More Moseley than Missouri, Roll Over Beethoven established the quirky Brummie band as a solid chart act. The drummer, Bev Bevan, called it 'perhaps the most important single we ever made.'. If he felt it was a good idea, it could stay, though ELO was very strictly Jeff's concept.

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Funny Comedian Videos Harmonium (2017)

He knew what he wanted but didn't limit the expression of the players. We all contributed to our parts - it wasn't dictated to us note by note. I know Richard contributed a lot, I did, Wilf contributed some critical things.

Jeff would have told us what sort of atmosphere he was trying to create and imagery. For example, Wilf . Roll Over Beethoven, Chuck Berry, rock 'n' roll and all these classically trained musicians thrown in together with some nice classical arrangements. A classical version of the Blood, Sweat & Tears attempt at putting two forms of music together.

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It was a very conscious, clever, commercial move by Jeff to do this. Chuck Berry, The Beatles. And it worked. Rather than look for apiece of his own music, it was Jeff's decision to do Roll Over Beethoven.

To this present day, that song stands as the building block for the whole ELO. However tiresome it got to play as an encore, you could never forget it was one of those ingredients that was magical, that the audience loved it and that we should be very grateful (laughs). I remember George Martin coming into the studio - and Jeff of course, idolised The Beatles. When his George- ship walked into our studio and accepted an invitation to listen to a version of something he cut a long time earlier, it was very exciting.

He listened like a professor would, nodded appreciatively and said quietly 'I think you've got a hit there chaps.' Which was very exciting for everyone - and he was right! Somebody had to send out to the music publishers, but the words weren't obtainable, so in the end it was phoned in from a friend via The Beatles record! Eventually these words were in, scribbled down on a piece of paper. The next problem was singing it. Now, in this wonderfully equipped studio, Jeff is presented with a variety of microphones, which, in today's money, might go in the region of . So, there's a range of Rolls Royce microphones, all put in front of him.

Jeff looked at them and being a man of few words, you could tell something was on his mind. I think he was disgusted that rock 'n' roll could be transmitted to the audience by one of these posh microphones! He made a request to the engineer for, I think, a mail- order microphone that Tandy's did, which probably cost 1. They hadn't got it. So he made a request for something of similar grottyness - they hadn't got that either. Jeff was momentarily lost for words, then said, 'I know, lets use one of these and drop it on the floor!' Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know how we got the sound, but we did manage to sh*t it up somehow! This led to their inspired 5th Symphony- quoting cover of Roll Over Beethoven in January 1.

ELO's theme song and laid valuable groundwork in the USA, becoming an FM radio favourite. A barnstorming unedited version helped second album ELO 2 into the UK album charts . One example is the instrumental break which leads into the violin solo. Louis review of All Over the World: The Very Best of Electric Light Orchestra). Most shocking about All Over the World .

Owners of this collection will be kicking themselves and cursing the gods at this omission. There simply wasn't time and . At the time, there was so much going on, this was never corrected by the young band and just left.

And as I said, we'll make the . It seems famed Beatles producer/arranger George Martin was recording Live and Let Die with Paul Mc. Cartney in an adjoining studio while ELO was cutting Beethoven . This modest breakthrough allowed ELO to visit the States on its first tour that summer, creating a forever loyal American fan base.

The single from ELO II, a ham- fisted version of Chuck Berry's Roll Over Beethoven augmented with themes from Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, epitomizes the foibles of the classical music approach to rock.