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Nebraska is the sixth studio album by Bruce Springsteen. The album was released on September 30, 1982, by Columbia Records. Sparsely-recorded on a 4-track cassette. Tech news and expert opinion from The Telegraph's technology team. Read articles and watch video on the tech giants and innovative startups.

TOP 1. 2 REASONS ROBERT MUELLER IS A TRUMP HITMAN TO HIDE THE DEEP STATE’S SINSPresident Trump and our Republic are in peril from Deep State operatives like Robert S. Robert S. The mainstream media portrays Mueller as a man of . Mueller—along with Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Chandler, James Comey and Rod Rosenstein—turned his back on the Republic and the Rule of Law during his 1. FBI Director. Photo: Jason Reed / Reuters (2. Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing) / AFI Graphic.(Jun.

  1. Directed by John Murlowski. With Meredith Monroe, Brian Dietzen, Lochlyn Munro, Brian Krause. A woman after her husband's death is called by someone who has gained.
  2. Autosport Digital Magazine Read or download today. New issue out every week. Autosport Awards Motorsport's most prestigious awards. Autosport International Our 4-day.

Here are 1. 2 reasons why Robert Mueller must be immediately relieved of his duties as Special Counsel in the Russia probe. With the collapse of the .

He was never hired for that, so how is that possible? Who is really running Washington, D. C.? Trump clearly stated his support of investigation of Russian interference. Comey even stated that the President wanted the investigation to be thorough and to include even his . The level of mental illness among the Clintonistas has become dangerous.

The baseball field shooting of Republican members of Congress illustrates this. In law, Comey’s contradictory statements on Trump’s alleged obstruction must be thrown out as false statements since one or the other of his statements is a lie, and therefore, Comey is not a credible witness.

Here are 1. 2 reasons why Mueller is profoundly unqualified to be Special Counsel. It is evident that Mueller's real task is to take down his Deep State political enemy: President Donald J. Trump. Mueller became FBI Director on Sep. Do you think this is a . Kirk Wiebe, Colleen Rowley and Robert Steele. His powers to abuse privacy dwarf any such powers that former FBI J.

Edgar Hoover used. Protected the Deep State takeover of the Internet. Microsoft started turning over user data to the NSA. Facebook did as well . See Timeline from Edward Snowden's release.

Exploited NSA blackmail data to retain power—just like his predecessor FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. Mueller held exclusive Cayman Island offshore personal investments. Wrote a recommendation letter for Pres. Obama's Supreme Court nominee Judge Merrick Garland back in 1. Bill Clinton nominated him to be DC circuit judge—Mueller is clearly a Deep State Democrat operative. Here's is Mueller's Nov. Garland letter. Failed to bring forward any prosecutions in: Fast & Furious.

Banking “bailout” (Wall Street tax dollar feeding frenzy); See 2. TIMELINEEnergy stimulus boondoggles. IRS targeting of Tea Party. The Clinton Foundation's enrichment in the Khazak, Ur. Asia / Russian Uraniaum One deal giving away 2.

America's uranium reserves to Russia. Bureau of Land Management land redistributions (to give the Chinese more mining rights)America Invents Act (AIA) corruption that allowed deep- pocket globalist companies to file for . How Judges Grow Rich On The Backs Of American Inventors. Theft of Columbus innovator Leader Technologies’ social networking invention. Failed to investigate Mark Zuckerberg's perjuries on the . This is the motivating underlying subject line that triggered the creation of the AFI TIMELINE that discovered the Deep State shadow government's treachery.

NSA / C. I. A. How Judges Grow Rich On The Backs Of American Inventors for an analysis of this scandal. C. I. A. Commission sedition. Allowed George Soros Open Society Foundations (Soros) sedition. See also AFI. George Soros: The epic global meddler. Americans for Innovation. Allowed The Clinton Foundation sedition.

Allowed Federal Reserve sedition. Mueller's Net Worth increased from $1. M (2. 00. 1) to up to $7. M (2. 01. 1) on an FBI director salary! This period includes the disastrous 2. His former Harvard professor Benjamin M.

Friedman is director of one of his super exclusive Cayman Island offshore investments Mellon Optima L/S (long/short) Strategy Fund LLC, N- CSR Mueller has more than 2. Rod J. Rosenstein, James B.

Comey and Clintons. See numerous previous posts, search . Washington's impotence was affirmed this morning by Congressman Jason Chaffetz, who said he is leaving Congress because neither Republicans nor Democrats want to change anything. It is now evident that the Washington, D. C. Gunderson said.

It appears that former FBI Director Mueller was directing the C. I. A. We will be linking the 1. AFI TIMELINE this weekend, but wanted to get these points into the national dialog without delay. Here is the latest version of the AFI DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT POSTER. Here our previous posts on Robert S.

Mueller and James B. Comey: Robert S. Mueller. Mueller is a Deep State Clintonista: AFI. PROOF: Robert Mueller cannot be impartial in the Russia investigation. Americans for Innovation.

AFI. Betrayal: Former FBI director colluded with Cartel offshore money laundering havens. Americans for Innovation. James B. Comey. Comey is a deep state Clintonista: AFI.

FBI Director Comey not qualified to decide on Hillary Emailgate. Americans for Innovation. Monika Wesolowski. Breaking News! 1. State Dept Whistleblower needs the protection of publicity.

Why isn't the FBI protecting her? State Dept. She was also poisoned recently, as were her animals, with . Stein, Clinton/Obama FOIA State Dept. De. Garmo, Clinton/Obama FOIA State Dept. Palmer, Clinton/Obama FOIA State Dept. Wesolowski said in an interview with veteran corruption watchdog Dave Hodges .

Palmer, Eric F. Stein and Janice L. De. Garmocontinue to stonewall FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests. She said her boss, Ambassador Larry L. Palmer—an unalloyed Clinton / Bush / Obama Deep State sycophant—had her charged under the Hatch Act simply for displaying Donald J.

Trump election posters during the campaign. Such electioneering is expressly permitted for government employees under the Hatch Act!

This radical leftist bullying is out of control. She said that her bosses are literally behaving like emotional children after Hillary's election loss. Weslowski says the attempts on her life have motivated her to speak to civilian whistleblower outlets like Dave Hodges' The Common Sense Show. She says she feels unsafe.

So far, she has received no response to her appeals for protection from Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. If these were conservatives involved in workplace harassment of liberals, the screams of sexism and Soros- funded demonstrations would receive breathless front- page MSM coverage. But, since Ms. Wesolowski is a female conservative, the MSM is silent. These people condemn themselves. Readers are encouraged to: (1) spread the word about Ms.

Wesolowski's plight, (2) support her courage and patriotism, and (3) call for the immediate removal of Stein, Palmer and De. Garmo by Secretary Tillerson. New! 2. 6, 2. 01. David Knight explains why the Deep State calls trump's work to drive them from Washington, D. Download Despicable Me 3 (2017) Movie Hq.

C. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.

Comment. Click . Alternatively, send an email with your comment to amer. We welcome and encourage anonymous comments, especially from whisteblowers.