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Luther Strange, Mo Brooks clash on filibuster in Senate. The filibuster - a target of President Trump's weekend tweets - has emerged as an issue between two leading candidates in Alabama's GOP Senate primary. U. S. Luther Strange wants to keep it.

Mo Brooks wants to eliminate it. It's the rare issue that's emerged through the campaign so far that's put candidates on starkly different sides of the fence.

The filibuster is a stalling tactic in the Senate that, if invoked, requires 6. While Republicans currently have the majority in the Senate, that majority is only 5. Democratic filibuster. Trump fired off a series of four tweets Saturday blasting the filibuster as well as a fifth tweet Sunday, calling on the Senate to remove it. The president described the filibuster as . Alabama's senior senator, Richard Shelby, did not sign the letter.

The letter was addressed to Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mc. Connell and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. Brooks said his top priority, if elected to the Senate, would be to remove the filibuster. The Senate letter argued that the filibuster allows . When the Senate confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch in April, it invoked the .

Gorsuch was confirmed to the court in a 5. The day Gorsuch was confirmed was also the day the senators dispatched the letter in support of maintaining the filibuster for legislation. Dvd Movie Goon Last Of The Enforcers (2017).

People who have sent conservatives to Washington D. C., our agenda is dead if we don't change the rules. Susan Collins, R- Maine, and Chris Coons, D- Delaware, led the effort to send the letter supporting the filibuster to leadership. Lamar Smith, R- Texas, took a different stance. Star Wars 7 (2015) Movie Dvd Quality. Smith has endorsed Brooks in the GOP Senate primary. There will either be a filibuster rule or there will not be a filibuster rule. On the other hand, if the filibuster is not eliminated and stays in place, then we have to have 6.