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Visible Planets, Moon Phases & Events, September 2. The night sky tonight and on any clear night offers an ever- changing display of fascinating objects you can see, from stars and constellations to bright planets, often the moon, and sometimes special events like meteor showers. Observing the night sky can be done with no special equipment, although a sky map can be very useful, and a good beginner telescope or binoculars will enhance some experiences and bring some otherwise invisible objects into view.

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You can also use astronomy accessories to make your observing easier, and use our Satellite Tracker page powered by N2. YO. com to find out when to see the International Space Station and other satellites. Below, find out what's up in the night sky tonight (Planets Visible Now, Moon Phases, Observing Highlights This Month) plus other resources (Skywatching Terms, Night Sky Observing Tips and Further Reading). The night sky is more than just the moon and stars, if you know when and where to look. Credit: Karl Tate/SPACE. Monthly skywatching information is provided to Space.

Chris Vaughan of Starry Night Education, the leader in space science curriculum solutions. Follow Starry Night on Twitter @Starry.

Night. Edu. Editor's note: If you have an amazing skywatching photo you'd like to share for a possible story or image gallery, please contact managing editor Tariq Malik at spacephotos@space. Neptune will be directly opposite the sun in the sky, and visible all night. It is located in Aquarius but is too faint to be seen with the unaided eye. Use binoculars and a star chart from Starry Night. On opposition night the nearly full moon will sit less than 2 degrees to the lower right of the planet. For most of Antarctica and southeastern South America, the moon will pass in front of the planet.

Wednesday, September 6 at 3: 0. EDT - Full Corn Moon. The September full moon, known as the . Because the moon appears full only when opposite the sun, full moons always rise around sunset and set around sunrise. Sunday, September 1.

Mercury and Mars near Regulus. On Sunday, Sept 1. Eastern sky, Mercury will sit only 0. Regulus. Dimmer reddish Mars will sit 3 degrees below the pair.

For the best chance of seeing them, look between 5: 4. Tuesday, September 1.

Mercury reaches greatest western elongation. Due to the steep ecliptic (green line) this month, Mercury delivers an excellent morning apparition for mid- northern latitude observers. On September 1. 2, the planet will reach its widest angle west of the sun and peak visibility. Look low in the eastern pre- dawn sky between 5: 3.

In a telescope Mercury will exhibit a waxing half- illuminated phase. Tuesday, September 1. Moon meets Aldebaran. From midnight to dawn on Tuesday, September 1. Taurus the Bull. As dawn approaches, the moon moves towards the bright star Aldebaran. Observers in western North America and Hawaii will see the moon pass in front of the star. Wednesday, September 1.

EDT - Last Quarter Moon. Last quarter moons rise around midnight and remain visible in the southern sky during morning daylight.

At this phase, the moon is illuminated on the eastern side, towards the pre- dawn sun. At last quarter, the moon is positioned ahead of the Earth in our trip around the sun. After last quarter, the moon wanes while traversing the last quarter of its orbit around the earth on the way to new moon.

Saturday, September 1. Mercury grazes Mars. In the eastern pre- dawn morning sky of Saturday, September 1.

Mercury will pass very close to Mars. Observers in western North America and Hawaii will see them especially close together, only a fraction of a degree apart. Regardless of location, the two planets can fit within the eyepiece field of view of a backyard telescope. Monday, September 1. Moon visits Regulus, Venus, Mars and Mercury. In the pre- dawn on September 1.

Bright Venus rises first at 4: 3. Regulus, the moon, dim reddish Mars, and finally Mercury. As its orbit carries it through the objects, the moon will pass in front of Venus for observers in the Indian Ocean region, and then Regulus for those in northern Africa. Monday, September 1. Morning Zodiacal Light for Mid- Northern Observers. During moonless periods in September and October annually, the steep morning ecliptic favors the appearance of the zodiacal light in the eastern sky for about half an hour before dawn.

This is reflected sunlight from interplanetary particles concentrated in the plane of the solar system. During the two weeks starting just before the new moon on September 2. Venus, for a broad wedge of light rising from the horizon and centered on the ecliptic (marked by green line). Tuesday, September 1. Venus kisses Regulus.

In the eastern sky from 5 a. The pair will easily fit in the field of view of binoculars and backyard telescopes. Monday, September 1. Moon covers Mars and Mercury. In the eastern pre- dawn sky on September 1. Micronesia and Hawaii will see the moon occult Mars, and those in easternmost Asia, Micronesia, and northern Polynesia will see the moon occult Mercury.

Wednesday, September 2. EDT - New Moon. At new moon, the moon is travelling between the Earth and sun. Sunlight is only reaching the side of the moon that is turned away from us, and it's in the same region of the sky where the sun is, so it cannot be seen. A day or two after new moon, look for the slender sliver of the waxing crescent moon low above the western horizon. Friday, September 2. Jupiter and the young Moon.

After sunset on Friday, September 2. Jupiter sitting about 6 degrees to the left of the young crescent Moon. The pair of objects will set about 8 p. The following evening the moon will hop to sit 7 degrees to the upper left of the planet. Friday, September 2. EDT – Equinox. On Friday, September 2. EDT, the sun crosses the celestial equator moving southward, causing the days to grow shorter in the northern hemisphere and longer in the southern hemisphere.

Tuesday, September 2. Moon meets Saturn. In the southwestern evening sky on Tuesday, September 2. Saturn will sit 3 degrees to the lower left of the waxing crescent Moon, making a nice sight in binoculars. Wednesday, September 2. EDT - First Quarter Moon.

At first quarter, the positions of the Earth, sun, and moon cause us to see one- half of the moon illuminated by the sun - on the western (right- hand) side. A first quarter moon rises around noontime and sets around midnight, so it is visible starting in the afternoon hours. The term quarter moon refers not to its shape, but the fact that our natural satellite has now completely the first quarter of its orbital journey around Earth since the last new moon. Peak visibility occurs around its greatest angle west of the sun on September 1. The planet lands near Regulus on September 1. Mars on September 1. Observers in easternmost Asia, Micronesia, and northern Polynesia will see the moon occult Mercury before dawn on September 1.

It begins the month among the stars of Cancer (it is one degree from the Beehive Cluster on the 1st) and ends in Leo, passing only 0. Regulus on the 2. On September 1. 8, the moon will occult Venus for observers in the Indian Ocean region.

Mars re- appears in the eastern pre- dawn sky during September, and spends the month climbing away from the sun through the stars of Leo. On the 5thand 6thit passes about one degree to the left of the bright star Regulus, with Mercury positioned 2 degrees to the right. On September 1. 6th, Mercury passes close enough to Mars for the pair to fit in the field of view of a backyard telescope. On September 1. 9, observers in northeastern Micronesia and Hawaii will see the moon occult Mars. By month end, it will be difficult to see within the evening twilight glow, setting about 9 pm local time.

On Friday evening September 2. It sets about 1. 2: 3. This year Saturn sits low in the southern sky, making telescope views less than ideal from mid- northern latitudes. Pda Formats A Star Wars Story (2016) Review Film.

As a consolation prize, the ring plane is tilted at near its maximum extent toward the Sun and Earth. On Tuesday, September 2.

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