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Uber Rented Hundreds of Faulty Vehicles to Drivers and at Least One Blew Up. Let’s all say it together: Ugh, Uber, ugh!

We’re like five minutes into the company’s “1. Days of Change” apology tour and more awful Uber news is already coming out. The Wall Street Journal reports that the multi- billion dollar startup rented dangerously faulty cars to hundreds of drivers in Singapore, after the model had been recalled. According to internal messages obtained by the paper, Uber knew about the recall, too. The brazen behavior really fits well with the “move fast, break things” mantra. Essentially, Uber made Singapore the first Asian city where its service would be available, but the company had trouble finding drivers, because owning a car in Singapore is prohibitively expensive.

As a slapdash solution, Uber then reportedly set up a separate company that bought cars in bulk from shady importers who operate in a grey area of the law. The cars were cheaper this way. We haven’t even gotten to the bad stuff yet. Last year, Uber apparently bought over 1,1. Honda Vezels from one of these gray- market companies, even though the model had been recalled for a faulty electronic component that could overheat and cause a fire. You can guess what happened next. The Journal describes an incident in January 2.

Uber driver Koh Seng Tian had just dropped off a passenger in a residential neighborhood in Singapore when he smelled smoke in his Honda Vezel sport- utility vehicle. Flames burst from the dashboard, melting the interior and cracking a football- sized hole in his windshield. Thankfully, the driver wasn’t injured, but Uber quickly heard about the incident. Did they pull all of the faulty vehicles off the road?

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Nah, that would be too expensive. Instead, the company allegedly told drivers with Honda Vezels to take their vehicle in for service without specifying the problem. In February, when Uber threw a party celebrating the conclusion of the PR and safety nightmare, the Journal reports that “6. Vezels still hadn’t had the faulty parts replaced.” Uber says all of them are fixed now. But man, what a mess.

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This isn’t your typical Uber- is- a- shitty- company story, either. If these claims are true, it seems Uber actually put people’s lives at risk in order to save money. The company reportedly gambled with minivans that could spontaneously combust, because it would be a big pain to fix them, and well, the drivers and passengers would probably be fine. Then it had a party while these explode- y cars were still driving people around! Here’s how.)We’ve reached out to Uber to see if it cares to comment on the Journal’s story and will update this post if we hear back. Update 4: 5. 5pm - Uber sent us the following statement: As soon as we learned of a Honda Vezel from the Lion City Rental fleet catching fire, we took swift action to fix the problem, in close coordination with Singapore’s Land Transport Authority as well as technical experts.

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But we acknowledge we could have done more—and we have done so. Inconceivable (2017) Online there. We’ve introduced robust protocols and hired three dedicated experts in- house at LCR whose sole job is to ensure we are fully responsive to safety recalls. Since the beginning of the year, we’ve proactively responded to six vehicle recalls and will continue to do so to protect the safety of everyone who uses Uber.

Smoking Showdown: Vape Pens vs. Joints. The dim glow of an e- cigarette activating has become the butt of quite a few jokes about the concept of “cool.” While they’re not hip, the tech behind them is, especially when paired with cannabis. But not everyone wants to smoke their marijuana out of what looks like a Bluetooth- enabled straw. Sometimes a joint works just fine, especially among friends. So which one’s best?

Competition. Vaping, like smoking a cannabis cigarette, provides you with a pretty easy way to consume the plant. One is powered via USB port, the other with a lighter.

They’ll both get you high. Vapes. Ah, vaping. The future of enjoying cannabis. Vaping, either with cannabis oil in cartridges or ground up cannabis flower inside a heating chamber, heats the cannabis without burning it, vaporizing the active ingredient and getting you high. If you’ve ever been inside a weed store, whether that’s medical or recreational, you know that.

Grind up your herb, get some rolling papers, and light up. Sure, it’s smoking, but it’s definitely healthier for you than actual cigarettes. Vapes: The Dorky Future of Enjoying Cannabis. While vaping does look dorky, its advantage over smoking a classic joint is convenience is worth the nerd points. Besides, cannabis is probably the coolest thing you can vape, so you automatically win that round. You can carry a vaporizer practically anywhere, as long as you’re following the law wherever you are.

They range in size from pen- sized vaporizers with twist- off cannabis cartridges to handheld units the size of a point- and- shoot camera. Don’t get it twisted. You’re not exactly engaging in a healthy activity by partaking in some vaporizing. But it’s still healthier than smoking a cigarette. With fewer toxins and no combustion involved, it generates fewer carcinogens, and doesn’t produce any smoke, only vapor. Joints: Cannabis for People Who Drive Stick.

Joints are the classic cannabis consumption method of choice. Get your rolling paper, filter, and ground cannabis, and light it up. Smoking one with friends is always a blast, and doesn’t look like you’re all getting your DNA analyzed. Also, it’s a battery- free experience, so you don’t have to worry about where you put your charging cable.

So you’re about to hop on a plane, but you want to bring your legally acquired medical marijuana. In addition, all your saliva residue might hold the rolled result together, but it’s not exactly germ- free. A joint is also more noticeable than a pen, and while you might get away with using a vape pen inside an establishment, smoking indoors is usually a no- no. Vaping’s For Dorks, But It’s The Future of Cannabis Consumption. Vape fans, rejoice!

While you will look like a geek for years to come, vaping is simply the most convenient way to enjoy a bit of cannabis. You don’t need to start a fire, you can take a puff basically anywhere, and there’s no smoke. Plus, it’s healthier! Sure, joints are cool if you’re hanging with friends, but hey, who’s gonna turn you down, anyway?